UniGripper Co/Light - The Standard Vacuum Grippers for Cobot Applications
UniGripper Co/Light is the next generation of UniGripper LightWeight targeted for low-payload robots in general and collaborative robots, cobots, in particular.
UniGripper Co/Light is designed without sharp edges to enable gentle collaboration combined with impresive vacuum focre and ultra-low weight.
UniGripper Co/Light combines the possibilities of additive printing with the strength of aluminum to give a low-weight, yet strong design.
UniGripper Co/light comes in three sizes:
- Regular - for lifting anything from small to relatively large objects
- Mini - when only handling smaller objects
- Maxi - For larger objects like big cases or when there is need to handle several smaller objects on a large surface.
Plug-ins are available for colaborative robots from Fanuc and Universal Robots, links to download pages for plug-ins in the bottom of the page.

Co/Light Regular
Co/Light Regular is a powerful gripper with large gripping area, yet low weight. Co/Light Regular comes in two valve pitches, 15/15 for small objects and objects with high porosity, and 30/30 for large objects with low porosity, like standard-quality boxes.

Co/Light Mini
Co/light Mini is the perfect choice for robots with 3kg payload, or for applications in general when handling smaller objects. As standard, Co/Light Mini is available with a 15/15 valve pitch for handling of both small and big objects.

Co/Light Maxi
Co/Light Maxi gives a large surface over which vacuum is distributed, ideal for handling big batches of smaller objects or for handling larger objects like boxes with extra security. Co/Light Maxi is available in two valve pitches, 20/20 for smaller objects and 30/30 for larger objects.

UniGripper Control Box
The UniGripper Control Box is the perfect companion for any Co/Light installation. The control box combines a pneumatic valve for vacuum control and a vacuum switch for grip indication. The neatly designed box is easy to integrate and no other pneumatic components are needed for the installation.

All measures in mm.

All measures in mm

All measures in mm.

All measures in mm

Resources for Universal Robots
The Unigripper Co/Light system is a certified UR+ system. Resources specifically for Universal Robots can be found here: www.unigripper.com/UR

Resources for FANUC CRX Robots
The Unigripper Co/Light is a compatible peripheral device for FANUC CRX Robot. Resources specifically for FANUC CRX Robots can be found here : www.unigripper.com/FANUCCRX